Monday, April 3, 2017

Late Night Texter

Seeing confession as a sign of true friendship with Jesus
          Boys and girls, this morning we want to give you an opportunity to go to confession. Actually, you don’t have a choice, you have to go to confession. That’s the beauty of Catholic schools: we can force you to be holy. But I want to give you a reason you should want to go to confession, and that is because confession is a sign of real friendship. Real and true friends sort of “confess” things to each other.

          One of my favorite Scripture passages is John 15:15. I like it because it’s very easy to remember, who can’t remember John 15:15?? But I also like it because it teaches what is the heart and soul of real friendship. Jesus is at the Last Supper with his apostles, those who were his closest and most intimate friends. And he says, “I no longer call you slaves, because a slave does not know what his master is doing. I have called you friends because I have told you everything I have heard from my Father.” Did you catch that last part? Jesus said, “I have told you everything.” In other words, Jesus holds nothing back from his best friends; he reveals his deepest secrets, his highest hopes, his darkest fears. He tells them everything because they are his “friends.”

          Boys and girls, this is how you know someone is a true friends rather than just an acquaintance: you have shared your deepest, darkest secrets with them. You have stayed up late at night texting them and telling them everything. Have you ever done that? That late night texting buddy is your best friend because you share your secrets with them. That’s basically what Catholic confession is all about: sharing your secrets with your best friend, Jesus. And here’s the best part, Jesus will share his secrets with you. His secrets of mercy and joy and peace. Jesus wants us to be his “late night texting buddy.”

          Boys and girls, we have eight wonderful priests here this morning to hear your confessions. They are also Jesus’ close friends, and they know his secrets because, they, too, go to confession. Only those who go to confession really know Jesus’ secrets. Those of you who are not Catholic are also welcome to go to talk with the priest, but please tell him you are not Catholic. I also want you to say the Act of Contrition during your confession with the priest, and you can take the “cheat sheet” with you. Remember the easy Scripture passage, John 15:15, where Jesus said, “I no longer call you slaves, because a slave does not know what his master is doing. I have called you friends, because I have told you everything I have heard from my Father.”

          Good luck, guys.

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